Décadas depois tive a grata oportunidade de acompanhar uma dessas apresentações. No palco estavam os personagens que conhecia desde criança: o Tenente Zeca Galo e a cantora Filomena — que canta melhor do que Elba Ramanho, segundo afirma em seu show.
Recordando a minha infância na cidade, fiz questão de registrar algumas cenas desse colorido espetáculo.
EN Sebastião Alves, known as Sebá, commands the puppet theater called Mamusebá in Caruaru, an important city located within the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. I was born in Caruaru and When I was child, I attended the Mamusebá plays at school. The performances still take place today. In 2012, during the june festivals in the city, I had the great opportunity to watch one of these presentations. On stage were the characters I knew as a child. Driven by emotion I decided to produce some pictures of this happy and colorful spectacle.